I’m sure we’ve all been there. You know the time you’ve been out with your friends and you spill a drink on your blouse. Or you’re out on a date and a little piece of chili falls onto your clothes from your chili dog. Your night is ruined because you feel all dirty and you’d just like to go home to change. If only you had a Tide to Go pen handy to make all of your stains go away.
I received my first tide to go pen when I was in college. My mother in law would pack us up “essential boxes” for when we made the visit back home. Inside one of the boxes was one of these magical pens. I probably used that pen once and it got lost in my car. Each time I would get a stain while out, I’ll attempt to look for the pen and could never find it. It never occurred to me to just purchase another. I tried going to the gas station, but they’re overpriced there, so I went to Amazon.
I’m so glad I did because Amazon has a three pack for $6. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C3NAT16/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_6QDYJZ36SENDHQXCQW43
I put one in my purse, one in the car, and gave my fiancé one for his work bag. Talk about life savers! Getting the three pack was the best decision I could have ever made. We always have one available if needed. They definitely come in handy while out running errands, out of date night, out with friends, or even the stains the kids cause.
You should check them out and tell me what you think.