
The Connection

I can still remember clearly how we started, staring from across the room.
Does she love me ? Does she hate me ? I did not know which of the two, to assume.

I saw myself as unattractive , unworthy , but you saw something else in me.
And immediately we connected, and this connection was interesting.

You were the first girl I truly dated.
The first girl that drove me crazy.
We bickered, we argued , but I still called you my baby.

But I realize in the present that then we made a huge mistake.
Why would we, both agree, to put our love connection at stake ?
Maybe this was simply fate, and luckily it turned out to be just a break.

Now look at us present day, with your effort, our connection has been restored.
Madly in love as before, and we agreed to never make the same mistake, anymore.

Because this time , I’ll have the mind of being your man, and you as my lady.
Instead of restricting our connection, as we did by debating.

But that was all in the past.
We must live in the present.
Because I want you in my future.
And we’ll always have that connection , more so than computers.

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